Archive for Father

EVE part 4

Posted in WOMEN with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 5, 2008 by the1axis

How can I make a simple, but effective case for the “meaning” of feminine as I propose it without engendering debate as to whether the “role” it implies for woman is good or bad?  Difficult at the minimum and crazy from the start!  We love the tension produced by “who shot John for being a male chauvinist pig or who snuck Sally in the alley because she “asked” for it.  We like the discrepancies between men and women because they create that heightened tension that makes making up all the more fun.  Well, while I know that the roller coaster ride of male/female interaction does make lovin’ great, I know also that even greater heights can be achieved through mutual respect for each others uniqueness minus the clashes designed to determine superiority.

Boys and Girls get a pencil with paper and draw a plus sign (+).  Let’s say that “it” is the original “man” Adam who represents and contains both “poles” of sexual potential.  Male and female both in the same package.  He is positive.  But, where is his “negative”.  His mirror reflection that can operate as his perfect companion?  “It is not good for man to be alone!” said God.  Humm…proceed to extract an integral part from him that we might create for him a perfect companion.  Remove the rib from his side!  What we now will have is one vertical line (Hey, come on!  Do I really have to say draw it?!) and a separate horizontal line.  The vertical line still represents the “positive” nature and is still called “man”, but the horizontal line is designated as “negative” or not man to the first, a cross purpose “new” individual called woman.  She is “minus” or that “subtracted” from “man” in order to create the perfect companion.  No where within this scenario so far is there any implication that “minus, subtraction, negative or “no man” is “bad or wrong”.  She is a uniquely different creature with her own purpose called Wo man.

We still are left at the beginning wondering, “What is that purpose?”  Well, for a visual on that, let’s go to the words of Jesus, that said that you fulfill the whole law by simply doing two things!  Loving God with all your heart and (secondarily) your brother as yourself!  The primary, first duty of man is the establishment of that “vertical” relationship between himself and God.  The spirit engendered or received through that relationship “fuels” the secondary relationship that “proves” the validity of the first which is that between oneself and others!  This is represented by the horizontal line that implies reaching out to others.  Man represents the masculine, higher nature of mind and spirit lifted up to God.  Woman represents the feminine, lower nature of emotion and desire.  The sensitive qualities of nurturing, mothering, caring for another are not weak, but essential components in fostering the brotherhood of man!  Without woman, man would not be able to forge the reality of brotherhood we seek and need in order to be complete in relation to God.  Both the horizontal and vertical relationships are necessary to be in place to complete the whole and thereby “represent” the original Godliness experienced in Eden.  By consequence it is easy to see that in spiritual terms that “kingdom of God” in found at the intersection of those two “ways of being”.  Welcome home, True Hearts!  The Kingdom of Heaven is within!

“EVE” part 3

Posted in WOMEN with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 19, 2008 by the1axis

Men and women are fundamentally different.  They are two halves of a whole, yet are complete within their selves.  The spirit which animates them is singular and the same being made in the image of that singular being called God.  “Man” the male “pole” of the opposites has enjoyed his designation as the “leader” from the beginning ’til now as the one that represents the higher nature of humans.  The mind

Undoubtedly, someone can be found that would dispute the intellects preeminence over the emotions, however playing the devils advocate does not legitimize ignorance.  The ability to rationalize is the key that differentiates humans from all other known creatures in our sphere.  The mind’s intellect is “higher” in the scheme of human “tools” than the emotion’s feelings.  It is the mind’s ability to separate itself from the emotions that renders man as a being that can perceive the world objectively (plainly, truthfully) without the “coloring” of feeling.  This is a quality that is of absolute necessity in understanding the “stuff” of this life.  At its best, man can see “black and white” as different without making any judgment as to which is better or best, right or wrong.  A world run purely on intellect would be cold, austere and devoid of the “human” touches that cause us to care.  It could run efficiently, but in essence be as bland as black and white.

Emotions on the other hand are more personal and subjective.  The “logic” of emotions appears to not be logic at all.  Often the judgments dictated by emotional evaluation are considered irrational, illogical and without “sound” basis.  “I feel” is arbitrary in relation to “I think”.  But, whereas the logic of intellect allows us to define the world in yin-yang, black and white, either/or terms that lead us to concepts of “law”, it is the emotions that grants us the ability to color and shade the world we live in and make it less cold and more human.

All of this hooey has been waded through to get to the conclusion that “woman” has been pushed into the background since the beginning as “less than” man.  She has at times accepted the designations of negative, lesser, weaker or lower and in more recent times rebelled against the same seeking to push for “equality” by pushing all the way into the opposite extreme or “sameness” as man.  Both positions deny woman’s understanding and acceptance of her own uniqueness.  Seeking to insert her “round” peg into man’s “square” hole says may stem from recognition that the spirit that rests within her is the same as man’s, but shows lack of understanding of that same spirits “intention” in constructing her differently.  Man needs her unique qualities in order to once again experience the unity that was the very first “state of being”!  He does not need an imitation of himself.  The qualities represented by the feminine principal called woman are the saving grace of man.  She is in reality the “crowning glory” of humanity and a singular example expressed by symbol and ideals should be enough to prove once for all that point.  In part four, I shall draw that singular picture, wrap up the “concept” of woman’s worth and value to humanity and prepare to move on to other things.

“EVE” part 2

Posted in WOMEN with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 9, 2008 by the1axis

Perfect relationship?  Humm…  Wouldn’t that be the “relationship” where the component parts “fit” together perfectly?  Each one bringing their own uniqueness to the “table of relating” to join harmoniously into one singular new creation.  Though our primary concern is relationship as fostered by duality, the principals are the same for any number of components joined as “one”.  The parts are joined so as to create a new “oneness” that is greater than any of the component parts.  This is called synergy.  Every complex machine is a “one” composed of “many”.  Yet, complexity does not change the fact that the simplicity of joining two is the basis for the complexity.  The male plug on an electronic device mates perfectly with the female receptacle in the wall and the result is that current can now flow to the device.  There would be nothing happening if your television cord came with a female end.  You could slap ’em together all day long and your television would still sit staring at you blankly and probably thinking, “Wow, I thought I was as dumb as a bag of hammers.”  Likewise, a male plug coming out of the wall might bring visions of a helluva sword fight, but there would be no electrical juices flowing today.  These are simple logical progressions, but does the same simplicity work in the human drama?  Yes!  It has been said that there is no manual or text book to life, but I would beg to differ.  Adam and Eve are part of that manual because the manual is alive.  The bible may be considered the document for living, but the creation itself is the “living document”.

“This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman because she was taken out of Man.  Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and they shall become one flesh.”  These are the words of Adam after the separation of part of himself in order to create his perfect mate, Eve.  From one, comes two!  When living cells split the first division is into two.  Duality is born and now that there are two there automatically comes a need for hierarchy.  One must become the primary, the leader, the dominant, the positive one.   The other must be secondary, the follower, the submissive, the negative one.  Every one of those statements I made could incite a riot because we have yet to destroy the connection of those words to good/bad or good/evil.  None of these words in relation to male and female interaction were ever intended to denote the rightness or wrongness of either.  Eve was the negative to Adam.  The flipside.  The true compliment because she was created as a “helpmeet” for him.  By taking a integral part of him she is the one he now needs to go to in order to be his whole self.  Impossible!  This is at best a pipe dream of massive proportions.  The nature of our physical bodies makes joining together to create one flesh or body an impossibility.  Just that quickly we are at a dead end in following the trail because this cannot occur.  Unless…  Unless we consider that Adam, by virtue of the breath of God which made him a living soul, is still actually carrying the “wholeness” of Gods “spirit” in him still.  The spirit itself cannot be “separated”, but its expression can be “impeded” by the physical vessel it is in.  Adam still contains both potentials in spirit, but the “masculine” qualities are far more easily expressed through the “vessel” he has become in the separation.  Eve also contains both potentials, but she is “tuned” at the opposite end of the spectrum of “human”.  Her physical self “conforms” to her role as the “representative” of the feminine nature of man or “female man” and therefore everything about her is basically opposite to the male man.  She is designed to be more attuned to the emotional/nurturing/desire aspects of spirit as the reverse of Adam.

One example stands out as validation for what I say.  Those of us who have sought the truth of God in Christ and have been to church, have mostly likely heard the following statement discussed.  “Man is the head of woman, and Christ is the head of man.”  Untold numbers of women have been oppressed, beaten down, demeaned and dehumanized with that statement as the justification.  Once again, God is scape goated by some evil inspired man to justify his disregard for God’s true intent.  First, the second half of the statement is all to often forgotten, leaving only the “man is the head of woman” part as all that is needed.  The popular interpretation is wrong and tells us just how out of sync with Gods concept of life, us and the universe we are.  Consider what I have said thus far and a different picture may begin to emerge.  “Man” (mind) is the head of woman (emotion) and Christ (spirit) is the head of man is about “relationship”.  Proper hierarchy.  I see the dawning of understanding in many.  Mind must lead emotion because if we do not consistently “think” out what we are experiencing, we will forever be at the mercy of our lower natures “feelings”.  Which one of us doesn’t know a person that is, on a regular basis, drug up and down the street from conflict to crisis because their emotions write their “script”?  Spirit first, then mind followed by the emotions!  That is the proper relationship.  The statement was not intended for the subjugation of women!  They are not inferior.  They are not less than.  They are not slaves to man.  They are children of God who accept that in this life the soul that they are is placed in a vessel that “stamps” them as female and that form or vessel “represents” something far greater than what we see with our eyes.  Eve, the true Eve recognizes that as a word or breath of God, she is neither male nor female, but made in his image.  Spirit.  She as that spirit of God, “individualizes” and grows as a soul through the accumulation of experiences that differentiates her from other “breaths” of God.  As a soul she still is neither male nor female, but may tend to lean toward one or the other because we accumulate “soul” matter based on emotional attachment or possession of people, places and things.  These are the things we attach to the spirit which has now become a soul.  When that soul is placed in a concrete form called flesh it now manifests predominantly either one or the other sex, born either into a male body or a female body.  The same essence given a different job description because each form “represents” a different, but equal portion of Gods creation.  But, their equality is not designed for them to stand still staring at each other, it is designed for them to “get somewhere”.  One will lead and other will follow in love.


Posted in WOMEN with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 6, 2008 by the1axis

To some peoples mind, the story of Adam and Eve is little more than a nice little fairy tale.  I take liberty to say that still, most educators would argue that the “folkloric” tales of our beginnings do in fact contain truths that are global and therefore indispensible.  I also will state up front that I believe biblical accounts are all too real.  The unbelievable packaging of the truth offers a natural stumbling block for “fair weather” seekers of the that truth.  One has to be willing to suspend their own understanding in order to step past the unbelievable exterior and get to the interior reality.  In this discussion, the reality is that Eve as the first woman represents the “ideal” for all women.  The prototype.  Serial number one!  Here comes the war wagons!  Again I say, suspend preconceived, stereotypical concepts and let’s see if we can restore womanhood to its rightful pedestal.

Man was created in God’s image as the first human.  We could stop right here and have a knock down dragout fight that would destroy not only the possibility of discovering any truth by sidetrackin’, but mangle a few noses in the process also.  I really think though, that this is better suited as a point to begin the practice of “suspension of prejudice”.  Adam was a “single cell” and being in the image of God contained the whole potential of a son of that one that “fathered” him.  He contained both the male and female potential that is manifest throughout the whole of material existence.  As such, the designation of man would not mean exclusively “male”.  He like God was both and neither.  As the text says it was not good for “man” to be alone.  God himself, being complete within himself, still desired companionship.  How much more does a mere mortal need and therefore desire a companion?  So, what is the best way to create a “perfect” mate and compliment to anything in need of it’s “perfect compliment?  Extract some portion directly from the object itself!  It’s not even magic, its pure and simple logic.  That which is removed will fit perfectly back into the original object.

I am not here to argue how Adam’s “surgery” was performed.  The “rib” taken from his side represents a portion of his physical nature being removed to form a physical being that would be not only physically related to him forever, but emotionally, mentally and spiritually also.  Every one of those attributes would have been affected as “part of the rib” taken.  If I cut my house in two, from roof to base right down the middle, the two halves would only be indentical in size.  One half might contain two bathrooms compared to one in the other half.  The other side has the only kitchen on its side.  There would be a need for intercourse between the two in order the have a complete house.  The point I am making is that in the separation of the sexes, different attributes were accentuated in one versus the other.  Adam, now the male retained a natural inclination toward the traits deemed “masculine” as well as he retained the designation “man”.  He had to have experienced a sense of loss of part of himself.  Eve, started out as a being expressing the “feminine” qualities attributed to humans and therefore did not suffer the same sense of something having been removed.  They both experienced the natural magnetic attraction, but with differing attitudes.  Man would always seek to “fill the hole” by seeking reunification.  Wo-or Womb-man also would always have a need to “unite”, not out of a sense of “missing” something, but out of a sense of gaining something that would complete her.  From the outset, man and woman were at odds as to what need the other fulfilled in them.  They also began as representatives of differing aspects of that called human.

Mind and emotion are not the same.  They are seated in different areas of the physical body.  The mental/intellectual qualities of “human” are seated in the head, more specifically the brain.  The emotional/feeling nature of “human” is seated in the abdominal to groin area.  Essentially, opposite ends of the spine.  In the pure sense, thoughts don’t feel and emotions don’t think!  The “half” portion of human nature that was taken from Adam and given to Eve to “represent” was the emotional/desire nature.  Man retained the mental/intellectual.  Mind you, I said what the concept “man” versus the concept “woman” represents!  All men are not, repeat, not intellectual giants and all women are not emotional balls of confusion.  As individuals, we all have both of these qualities in varying degrees.  Suspension of preconceived reaction to specific input does not mean leaving your head at the door.  In fact, it means that you are confident enough in the workings of your mind and emotions that you can take a look at a previously categorized concept freshly and objectively without fear that God will strike you down for daring to question some belief you don’t know the origin of.  References to male and female as positive/negative have nothing to do with good/bad.  The terms used are designators of relationship only.  So, in referencing the mental/intellectual nature of humans as “higher” nature and emotional/desire nature as “lower” nature, we are simply describing the way they should fit together.  These are not terms intended to put the “feminine” in a “bad” light!  They are intended to light the path to perfect relationship.

Next page: “Eve” part 2


Posted in WOMEN with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 6, 2008 by the1axis


The concept of the virgin in human understanding is imported with and imparted by, the woman.  Virginity is in its pure intent exclusively a “feminine conception”.  We talk about virgin males, but virginity is not a prime precept of what the concept of maleness “represents”.  To be virgin implies “in-drawing” receptivity to imprint by an external force.  The “virgin” is a willing receptor of not only new direction, but first direction.  This is directly opposed to the males “outgoing” aggressive assertion of his unique imprint designed to initiate its new direction upon and within a receptive, feminine “clean slate” wherever it may be found.  Male is to female as aggressive is to passive.  One seeks engagement in order to “initiate” and the other seeks the result after initiation by waiting for the engagement.  If one considers the order of priority, it is easy to see that the “prime directive” of male versus female runs contrary, one to the other.  They start as opposites of the same “coin”.  One seeks, one waits.  One initiates, one completes.  Together they produce.  The very construction of our sexual organs “tells” the same truth.  They fit and function together, hand in glove and when properly “mated” produce the possibility of a third new creation.  Neither is nothing without the other, but joined together in the right spirit they have the power of creation.  The yin and yang design for the creative relationship between male and female is repeated in every aspect of our material existence!  Everything in man’s view has its positive and negative expression.  All things have an opposite to which it fits perfectly and that includes the unseen worlds of thought, emotion and desire.  This design works on the basic material level of human sexuality, but it is also key to some understanding of the spirit of God also.  Father Spirit and Mother Earth.  It is living spirit, that imprints itself within the material (flesh) and thereby “animates that which is by nature inanimate.  There would be no life without spirit.  By reflex, the Father Spirit needs the receptivity of Mother Earth’s “womb” of matter to produce the various “children” or examples of itself, we call life.  Already, I can see the war wagons firing up, but before running for the rope, allow me to mark all of this as “basic premise” and move on to the more personal intended objective.

Just what is it that I wish to say?  What does all this have to do with with women anyway?  First of all, I love women!  But, my love for them goes way beyond what exists between their legs.  An excellent trap to say the least!  No, better bear trap was ever conceived on this world or any other.  The “perfect” and homey construction of woman’s not-so-secret weapon along with all of the superior qualities of attraction it contains, absolutely ensures “reproduction” of the human race.  I seem to recall a “joke” that said something to the effect that if women didn’t have that golden “lure” as an eternal trump card, we as men would hunt them down and shoot them.  Now, I refuse to take that any further, having brought it to the table only as an example of how highly that feminine “private reserve” is held in the domestication process of the male.  Women are so much more than that.  Do they know it though?  Women must recognize the depth of who they are first before they can expect men to see them for who and what they are.  If she defines herself in simple, fast food, fashion of the day, “who’s that bitch and what does she have that I don’t!” terms, then she will receive Wimpy burgers of a stick for the rest of her life while wearing the latest potato sack signed by some guy who would never even thank her for having paid her own good money to be his walking billboard.  Wake up and touch your rainbow!  Feel it, stroke it, know it!  Some of you need to go back and reread everything said so far, cause you know what I’m talkin’ about.  Now, stop that and put that thing away!  I didn’t say a thing about “playing” with anything!  I said feel, stroke and know your true value!  I’m trying to tell you that you are a multitude of colors and shades designed to bring humanity into the light of day as beautiful living examples of spirit perfected in flesh!  Whoa!  There he goes again.  What the hell is he talking about?  Well, the answer lies in the fact that pop, fast food or quickie answers do not suffice when talking about men, women and the relationships they have within themselves, with each other and with God.  We need to look at basic principals in order to have some firm basis to stand on when we get into the chaos that is possible to occur between two very different people, motivated to move in very different ways.

If some guy were to ask me where he should start with the wonderful new woman he’s set his eyes on, I would say, “At the beginning, of course!”  In the next segment, I will do just that.  At this time, I must offer a disclaimer though, for those parties who prefer to pick and choose the tidbits of information that are allowed to be used in the excavation of the truth.  I personally believe that when confronted with a piece of information that does not fit the accepted, known “reality”, it is best to suspend prejudice, wait and see if it indeed might “fit” into a larger truth.  In other words, I pull from any and everything in creation to understand creation!  So, with that said, to seek to determine woman’s original royal nature and purpose, it is necessary to start at the beginning with serial number one, Eve!

Next page: “Eve” part 1